Monday, August 31, 2009

Here is a very small sampling of my fabric collection. It used to be called a 'stash' but it has long since outgrown that...I confess...I am a Fabric Collector, not, a fabriholic!! I collect beautiful fabrics like some people collect Art or books or stamps or whatever. I am a connoisseur...NOT a hoarder!!

Summer is winding down and already some trees and bushes are turning colour...but this is a shot from the top of our stream and it's still running like crazy and looking beautiful.

Okay, so I was thinking of painting one wall in my sewing room this kind of light teal colour,
and some fabric I had ordered on line arrived and I fell in love with it so I pinned it up on the wall, and, decided I wanted that fabric on the wall instead of painting it, so Mark built a frame for me and we stretched the fabric around it and stapled it in the back and I LOVE IT!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rylee sure finds something funny...I'm quite sure WE will find something NOT funny somewhere later on! She is wearing a little skirt and top I made for her and I crocheted the bag for her to carry her 'stuff' in to church.

This is Nautica's 'Chucky Face' as her parents call usually precedes an unpleasant situation wherein Nautica thinks someone has done her is hysterical...she is such a quiet and demure little sweetheart usually...and oh so cute.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Something is going on here...these two are trouble when they get together..
I don't know if they are laughing about something they already did...or, sharing a secret about what they are going to do???

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dad and Cadia anticipating the Trifle.

Nautica taking serious notes on how to deal with people over the phone from her cousen Rylee.

Now here are two serious phone pals.

And here is the Big Sister just loving her new baby brother.

Here he week early and looking absolutely perfect. Good job Brooke..she took no medication AT ALL! All natural. Congratulations.